What Traffic Data can be collected through Video?

There are many different types of traffic data that can be collected. This data can be used to understand how traffic flows, identify congestion hotspots, and measure the effectiveness of traffic management measures.

Common types of traffic data include:

  • Traffic counts: A count of the number of vehicles passing a given point on a road or intersection, typically over a period of time such as an hour or a day.

  • Pedestrian data: Crosswalk, trail, and bike lane use. This information can be used to help plan urban areas, design better walkways and paths, and improve public safety. Additionally, this data can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of pedestrian-related programs and policies.

  • Speed and travel time data: Data on the speed of vehicles and/or the time it takes to travel between two points. This data can be collected visually or through automated such as MAC address collection or GPS tracking devices.

  • Origin-destination data: Data on where vehicles are coming from and going to. This data can be collected through plate tracking or automatic means such as cell phone data.

  • Traffic flow data: Data on the movement of vehicles within a road network, including information on average speeds, travel times, and congestion levels.

  • Volume-capacity ratios: A measure of congestion on a road, calculated by dividing the number of vehicles on the road by the number of vehicles that can travel on the road under free-flow conditions.

This is just a brief overview of some of the different types of traffic data that can be collected. For more information, please Contact Us or see our Services.


How can Cell Phone Data be used for Traffic Data?


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