What Traffic Data can be collected through Video?
Jesse Steeves Jesse Steeves

What Traffic Data can be collected through Video?

There are many different types of traffic data that can be collected. This data can be used to understand how traffic flows, identify congestion hotspots, and measure the effectiveness of traffic management measures.

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What is a Speed Study?
Jesse Steeves Jesse Steeves

What is a Speed Study?

A speed study is an analysis of the speeds at which vehicles are traveling on a particular road or section of road.

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What is an O-D Study?
Jesse Steeves Jesse Steeves

What is an O-D Study?

An origin-destination study, also known as an O-D study, is a type of analysis that is used to understand the patterns of movement for a particular group of people.

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Why do I need a Parking Study?
Jesse Steeves Jesse Steeves

Why do I need a Parking Study?

When you're planning a new development, one of the key things you need to know is how many parking spaces you'll need to provide.

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What Is a Parking Study?
Jesse Steeves Jesse Steeves

What Is a Parking Study?

Parking studies are a vital tool for cities and towns that are trying to manage their limited parking resources in a sustainable way.

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