Why use Video Traffic Counts?

Video traffic counts have many benefits over traditional methods of counting traffic. Video counts are more accurate than manual counts, and they can be done without disrupting traffic flow. Additionally, video counts can be used to count pedestrians and cyclists, where traditional methods cannot. This makes them ideal for use in urban areas where pedestrian and cyclist traffic is high. Video counts are a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of settings to get an accurate picture of traffic patterns.

There are many reasons why you might want to use video traffic counts. Here are just a few:

  • To get an accurate count of the number of vehicles on a road or highway.

  • To monitor traffic flow and patterns.

  • To assess the impact of construction or other events on traffic.

  • To help plan for future events, such as road closures or detours.

  • To evaluate the effectiveness of traffic control measures, such as signage or signal timing.

  • To provide data for statistical analysis and reporting.

Video traffic counts can be a valuable tool for transportation planners, engineers, and others who need to understand how traffic moves through an area. When used correctly, they can provide insights that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain.


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