Why do I need a Parking Study?

When you're planning a new development, one of the key things you need to know is how many parking spaces you'll need to provide. A parking study can help you determine this by looking at things like the type of development, its location, and the surrounding land uses.

If you're not sure whether or not you need a parking study, here are a few things to consider:

  • The type of development: If your development will include residential units, you'll likely need to provide more parking than if it's purely commercial.

  • The location: Parking requirements vary depending on whether your development is in an urban or suburban area. In general, developments in urban areas require less parking than those in suburban areas.

  • The surrounding land uses: If your development is near public transportation or other amenities, you may be able to get away with less parking than if it's in a more isolated location.

Once you've decided that you need a parking study, the next step is to find a qualified consultant to conduct it. A good place to start is by asking us!

When the study is complete, you'll have a better idea of how many parking spaces you need to provide. This information will be important as you move forward with your development plans.


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What Is a Parking Study?